the support for cindy sheehan has reached new heights. cindy, in an interview with amy goodman from democracy today, answered the question we've all been wanting to know.. just how many other military mom's are out here supporting your point of view ??
AMY GOODMAN: How many other moms are there there of
people who are in Iraq or
who have died in Iraq?
SHEEHAN: We have about six moms there. They're
Gold Star moms.
And there's probably -- I don't -- of women who have -- who have
over there right now, it's hard to tell. Maybe about the same or a
bit more.
anyway, cindy is going to continue her tour of media whores without jobs to washington DC.. she's going to join the many homeless folks there in protest of life not being fair..
if it isn't obvious by now, how this woman is using the media and being used by the media to attempt to undermine the country's will to fight this war, a war that was brought to our shores back in 1993 with the first WTC bombing.. then there is no hope. the good news is that there is hope. is sponsoring a caravan in support of the troops - leaving from california - heading through arizona, new mexico and in to texas. would anyone like to place any wagers on whether they will receive any mainstream media coverage ?? will abc,cbs,cnn,msnbc,nbc have their dedicated teams to show this ???? anyone wanna make that bet ?? and do you want to bet that this movement will have more than SIX mom's or dad's who have children involved in iraq?? if we need any further evidence of media bias and the sickening basis for this bias, we're sticking our heads in the sand. it says something about the left that when something bad happens to AMERICA in iraq, it's good for them. it's good for them and their points of view if we suffer more.. if we have more attacks, more dead.. that's why there is no coverage of all of the schools open for business in the mainstream media.. no coverage of the international monitary fund's status on the iraq economy - calling the outlook for the medium term 'optimistic.' there is no positive coverage at all.. as a matter of fact, cnn has decided to run a special on the intelligence failures that led up to the war in iraq.. but oddly enough, nothing on the intelligence failures in the mid 90's that led to the rise of al-qaeda and the attacks of 9/11. so, boys and girls, understand the times we're living in-- mainstream news is unabashedly biased.. and they're paying the price for it. the lib-brah's are the elites running these outlets.. their ad revenue is down, their viewership and circulation numbers are down and the talk radio and blogosphere are reaching record numbers of people.. it's because we in the usa are sick of the blame america first crowd.. we're sick of hearing that america is all that is wrong with the world.. we're tired of having God taken from us.. hopefully we're also motivated to vote appropriately-- some of the gop lawmakers have lost their way.. they may need to be reminded of the values that brought them in to office this next time around.
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