Monday, August 22, 2005


according to multiple news outlets, a border area ranch has been given to two people who were trying to enter the united states illegally. the associated press is stating that 2 border watch members (a group looking to protect private property from illegals) pistol whipped an illegal immigrant as he and others from the patrol were monitoring a private ranch in hebbronville, texas. the lawyer, morris dees of the poverty law center, hoped this would send a message to LAWFUL LANDOWNERS not to take HOSTILE MEASURES to LAW BREAKING ILLEGAL ALIENS. good morris has decided to take the supreme court's decision that your land really isn't your land and prosecute people with legal land keeping illegal trespassers off of it.. making this more egregious was the court rulings that resulted in the forfeiture of the douglas, arizona ranch to pay for the civil settlements.

now, there once was a time in this land you'd expect something bad to happen to you if you illegally trespassed on to another man's property.. and that would be if you were a citizen of the country. now, the rights of the citizens are slowly eroding to those of non citizens. citizens are paying tax money to fund curriculum in spanish for illegals. citizens are paying tax money to fund health care for illegals. citizens are paying tax money to support the entire illegal immigration enterprise.. yet, these tax paying citizens seem to have no right to defend their property against the trespassers of non-citizens..

"If the federal government was doing its job, ranchers would not be living in fear," said Chris Simcox, president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp., which watches for illegal immigrant crossings and reports them to the U.S. Border Patrol.

i could not agree more with this.. we're being invaded and we're almost powerless to do anything about it. LEGAL immigration is fine, but this flood of non-skilled, non-english speaking poor people is going to continue to drain the resources of legal residents who hold jobs, pay taxes and obey the law..

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