i'm reminded of all of the handwringing we had after 9/11.. how could we have let this happen ?? how were we not prepared ?? i look ahead to the next natural disaster we have on the radar - a major quake in california decimating the state.. just how would we prepare for that disaster ??
i think that we've got to take a closer look at people in general.. the single largest thing that could have been done to prevent this disaster would have been to evacuate the area. if everyone would have left, as instructed, there would be no 'human' tragedy. there would be horrific economic damage and ruin, but the human drama would not be unfolding as it is.. so is it the government's responsibility to evacuate people from a potential disaster area ?? or is it just the government's responsibility to provide the information to the public ? there were countless reports of police going door to door having people sign releases because they were going to stay behind.. at what point are people responsible for their own actions in this country ?
federal, state and local authorities set up the superdome for people to utilize to ride out the storm.. the superdome then turned in to a zoo, with people being murdered, raped, assaulted - all by the people the authorities are trying to save.. then the looting came, and citizens are brazenly stealing firearms, jewelry and electronics.. these are the citizens who are under duress.. the ones we're trying to save.. and now, these citizens are shooting at rescue workers.. the people the rescue workers are there to save are shooting at them..
all of this, of course, is the governments fault.. the mayor of new orleans went forward last night with a profanity laced tirade against the state and federal authorities for not helping enough.. is this the leadership we need in a crisis ??
what isn't reported is that supplies and people were prepositioned in many locations, but the extent of the destruction was unprecidented, blocking roads, washing out bridges..
there are many common sense things that needed to be done better- communication infrastructure is a failure. no cell towers, no land lines.. satellite phones and police/military radio are really the only initial means for communication.. there are lots of lessons to learn.. but according to the people on the ground, it's all at the feet of the government. this political charging of a natural disaster is sickening.. jesse jackson, jr has even come out ranting on the president's failure.. but no mention of the failure of the democratic mayor of governor..
the lesson to learn here is this: when you are told to evacuate, you would do well to follow those orders. walk out if you have to, but a natrural disaster cares not if you are rich, poor, fat, thin, black, white, republican or democrat..