we've already seen the islamic street's tolerance for any type of art that could be considered anti-islamic. so it should be of no surprise that after a danish cartoon depicting muhammed as a terrorist, the islamic street has erupted in protest & violence.. saudi arabia recalled it's ambassador from denmark, gunmen raided the EU office in gaza.. all of this over a cartoon.
i would really appreciate the same type of reaction from the islamic community over the genocide in Darfur.. a genocide perpetrated by islamic arabs against Christian and animist africans.. since Feb 2003, over 400,000 people have died at the hands of these muslims.. yet, there is silence on this topic in the islamic community.. just like there is silence when major terrorist attacks occur. 1.3 BILLION people, and not a word to say about the actions of the people who represent them in the name of allah.
HOWEVER, should there be a film or a cartoon or an essay about anything anti-islam, there are protests, CAIR statements, KILLINGS.. saudi arabia will recall it's ambassador, yet in it's embarassment of riches, will do nothing to prevent the genocide at the hands of islamists across the red sea..
so, in short, there is a double standard. the prosepect of a koran touching the ground seems to be far more important for news headlines than the death of hundreds of thousands in the name of allah.. its either that people don't care or they're too PC to call a spade a spade..