this week we've heard the alarms being sounded from democrat governors in the border states concerning illegal immigration.. bill richardson (d, nm) first sounded the alarm - soon followed by arizona's governor. (we'll get to her later) so, finally, we've sounded the alarm that there is a problem. there is growing criticism of the bush administration for the lack of focus on the borders.. some of us in border states have been highly critical of the president for his permissive policies for some time.. but it struck me today, as the gaza withdrawl continues on the other side of the world, are we facing the same situation in the united states today ? are we not in fact ceeding the american southwest to illegal mexican immigrants ? thus far it hasn't been an armed takeover, but it is a takeover. the demographics of the border states are changing dramatically. texas is now a minority majority state. arizona and california are completely over run.. recently, on a trip to california - while driving through santa cruz, the day labor force literally took over every corner of the street. it was as if we were driving through monterrey, not a somewhat nice surfing town just south of san fransicko. and if you talk to anyone in california, they will tell you the impact illegal immigration is having on the infrastructure of the state. the story is the same in arizona, new mexico, and texas. just outside of my building in downtown dallas, i can pick up enough day labor to attack the alamo again.. so are there some parallels to be drawn with the giving away of land in israel to the current land grab going on here in our own country ?? something to think about.. appeasing one part of the population for peace in israel, for votes in the usa.
now, back to arizona's governor - janet napolitano. she has followed bill richardson's lead (nm) in crying foul on federal immigration policy. she came out recently with highly critical statements of the administration and their policy on immigration. while i agree with her assessment of the federal policy, her own policy is nothing short of dismal. if ever there was a case of throwing stones in a glass house - let's look at her record as governor. janet has vetoed bills denying in-state tuition and day care for illegal aliens.. she has vetoed legislation allowing law enforcement to enforce immigration law. she also vetoed a law making english the official state language - which would have saved the state millions by not having to have documentation in 2 languages. she also vetoed legislation that would have banned the use of the matricula consular - an easy to forge identification document from mexico as official in the state. so needless to say, janet has a ways to go to be tough on immigration.. i'm guessing this is a politically expedient experiment that she is going to take on.. the democrats may have found the republican's achiles heel.. if they actually act tough on immigration, they will steal votes from the republican party..
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
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