Tuesday, August 16, 2005

freedom of depress

as i make my rounds through the mainstream media, i seem to have difficulty finding any coverage on 2 issues.. 2 issues that should the shoe be on the other foot, would be covered in 2 completely different manners. first, we have media whore cindy down in crawford.. making quite a scene for herself, fueled by the continuing, almost natalie holliway-like, coverage of her plight.. i thought to myself, where are the 1000's of families who are proud of their family service in the military.. where is the voice of the majority of the military on this subject. the latest polls i've seen show that 80%+ of all military families support the action in iraq. where is the voice of the majority in all of this coverage.. we all know where it is.. it's buried, ignored. those voices do not push forward the agenda of the major media outlets.. i look at people in my generation, they are now excited to have their own 'vietnam.' they get fed, day after day, lies and hyperbole from the lefty media to fuel their hatred of their own country.. while they happily protest, call names and (apparently) not go to work.. yet, this group slides farther and farther in to the minority.. almost unaware of the people surrounding them who disagree.. but should the shoe be on the other foot, and a family were to go have a vigil supporting the war, would they get the media circus ? would they get the support and free airtime ? absolutely not. the bias cannot be more thinly veiled.

and then there is the coverage of the able danger 'coverup' by the 9/11 commission. let's think back to how quickly cbs jumped on the forged documents on president bush.. let's remember how quickly newsweek ran with the gitmo torture (false) information.. yet, you cannot find a peep about this absolutely huge development. the 9/11 commission may have purposely buried material information about what caused the events of 9/11 ?? are you kidding me ?? that can't make the news ?? if newsweek can lead with bad information and 60 minutes can have a whole segment on a forgery, cannot the able danger information warrant a peep ?? apparently not. again, it's clear what happened when the shoe was on the other foot, but when the story is beneficial for this administration, the story is buried. fortunately, the american people see through this nonsense.. the declining viewership, sinking subscription numbers and falling advertising revenue tell the story.. yet, the lefties still deal in their own skewed world view, highly averse to the truth and oh so very loud with their mouths..

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