Monday, July 31, 2006

incapable of victory

after watching the world community reaction after the events of this weekend, i've come to the conclusion that the desire in the international community to rid themselves of an american unipolar world and their annoyance with this gnat of a state Israel is greater than their fear of nuclear terror states or the command of islam to be spread from iraq to spain. no, those folks in europe are more concerned with perceived american arrogance and appeasing their own islamic populations.

but europe has been anti-semetic for quite some time.. and the eu is a counterweight against american trade prowess. not to mention the corrupt governments on the take from saddam in the oil for food scandal. (france, russia, germany to name a few)

and we have our beloved american left who would have you believe that america is the source of all the trouble in the world and if they were just in power, we would not be having any of this middle east conflict..

“If you think what's going on in the Middle East today would be going on if
the Democrats were in control, it wouldn't, because we would have worked day
after day after day to make sure we didn't get where we are today. We would have had the moral authority that Bill Clinton had when he brought together the
Northern Irish and the IRA, when he brought together the Israelis and the
-howard dean

talk about american arrogance - as if howard dean's party
has any moral authority or clarity. this has been going on since isaac and
ishmael but howard dean has the right idea.. how could american voters ever have
not got his party in power ??? a party that will say anything, sell anyone out,
promote any point of view just to try to get elected.

but alas, the
party of no one, yet everyone, or the party of whatever the polls may be reading
are hoping to seize control of the house and senate this year.. these are the
whims of the unprincipled. these are the people of the jimmy carter wing of
american politics.. those who continually snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
time and time again.

Jaws of Defeat
By David Horowitz July 31, 2006

The United States and Israel
and every sentient being in the path of the Islamist crusade are teetering on
the brink of a massive defeat in Lebanon and thus in the war on terror. Lest it
be forgotten, this is a war that began with the Ayatollahs’ revolution in Iran
in 1979 which established the first radical Islamic state whose masters’ war cry
was “Death to America” and the establishment of a global Islamic empire. Nearly
thirty years later, Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons and its
imperial war is now being waged on Iran’s Lebanese frontier by its Hezbollah
proxy. One month into the fighting which began with the attacks by Hamas and
Hezbollah on the state of Israel, the scenario for the West’s defeat in this
phase of the war is quite obvious and quite simple.

The appeasers of
Islamofascism, who have been calling for a ceasefire and bewailing “civilian
casualties” in Lebanon and Gaza, will succeed. Hezbollah will agree to turn over
its arms to the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese army. The pro-Hezbollah UN will establish
a security zone on Lebanon’s southern border to keep the area clear of
non-government militias, of which the Hezbollah “militia” is the only one. The
credulous in the Western camp will greet this as a victory for the peacemakers.
But exactly the opposite will be the case.

According to a recent
poll in Lebanon eighty percent of the Lebanese Arabs support Hezbollah. In other
words, just as Hamas, which was created by the same Muslim Brotherhood that
spawned al-Qaeda, is now the Palestinian government, so Hezbollah will emerge as
the government of Lebanon. The Lebanese army will become the new Hezbollah
“militia.” Only it won’t be a militia. It will be the terrorist army of a
sovereign power, with the right to openly negotiate its arms deals with Syria
and Iran. The next battle with Iran, in other words, will be World War III.

In fact, the next battleground in the spread of Shi’ia fascism
is already in progress and aflame. It is Iraq, where Iran’s Shi’ia armies are
already in the field under the command of the sheik of Sadr City, the
America-hating cleric Moqtadar al-Sadr. Al-Sadr, it should be noted, is alive
and in the field because the appeasers in this country, beginning with the
Democratic Party but extending into the Bush State Department, stymied the first
battle of Fallujah and the Bush offensive generally when al-Sadr was trapped in
Najaf and could have been killed and his militia destroyed. The Bush
administration had to delay the Fallujah attack until after Kerry’s defeat in
the November 2004 elections in order to avoid the political complications that
would have attended the battle in the midst of an election campaign. By then
Sistani had staged a "peace march" and going after Sadr was off the table.

But the first battle of Fallujah is only one of many defeats
inflicted by the appeasers and abettors of Islamic imperialism in the West. The
aid to the enemy within the Western camp has taken many forms, beginning with
the hysterical and reckless attacks on the commander-in-chief of America’s
forces as a liar and murderer, and the source of the terror that the Islamists
create. Are there terrorists in Iraq? There were none there before George Bush
created them. Is Hezbollah a Nazi army? It’s because the Jews “occupied”
Palestinian lands. Of course, this is two lies in one. All Israeli “occupation”
is the product of four aggressive Arab wars against Israel. When Israel
withdraws – as in Lebanon – it is attacked. The source of the terror in Lebanon,
as in Iraq, is to be found in the Koran and in the despotisms of the Arab Middle
East. But the appeasement camp cannot face the reality that its enemy is
implacable and its hatred uncaused by anything its targets – Jews, Christians,
“infidels” – have done.

The division of America is the greatest
threat to our ability to prevail in the War on Terror – and the Left knows this
and is incited by it. America is not divided enough for the American Left, which
is now in full purge mode in Connecticut, where it is attempting to bring down
the one statesman in the Democratic Party who might re-unite this country in the
face of its enemies.

Those who in the midst of these wars clamor for
ceasefires with an implacable foe, those who call for withdrawals that would
leave sovereign states in the hands of the terrorist forces, those who decry
civilian casualties caused by the only forces in this war who do not target
civilians, those Blame-America-Firsters who exploit the Abu Ghraibs on our side
and not their atrocities, those whose hysterical fear of the conflict we face
takes the form of pathological denial and projects the rabid hatred of the enemy
for us onto our own commander in the war, are destined to have a lot to answer
for before this conflict is over.

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