Wednesday, August 31, 2005

bushwhacked.. from the right..

g-dub is getting attacked from the right on his poor record concerning immigration. paelocon dinosaur pat buchanan has called for a republican legislator to move for impeachment of g-dub. now, more folks on the right are calling for the same thing. george has been in bed with the hispanic vote from day one. there is a republican strategy that is trying to secure the hispanic vote for the future, in essence, securing majority rule.. one thing republican strategists did not count on was a strong backlash from their base. that is exactly what is happening. the republicans have been, at least in a verbal sense, leapfrogged by the democrats.. the democratic governors of both arizona and new mexico have lent strong words (not backed by consistent actions, however) to fixing the border problem. again, the republicans are playing catch up. this country has grown tired of the endless illegal assault from the south.. there are now an estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in this country.. 20 MILLION. this is crushing the state economies.. it is sucking up federal money.. it is burning up taxpayer money to pay for services to non-citizens. it has got to stop. the republicans missed the calling on the minute men.. they have missed the calling to enforce existing immigration law and they are going to pay dearly in the next election cycle.. the bad news is that the other side of the aisle is even WORSE.. i'm concerned americans will stay home and not vote, allowing an even worse policy to slide in to place.. the ted kennedy side of the house openly long for open borders, with no immigration restraints.. further diluting the soverignty of the united states.. more poor illegals = more government assistance = more of a shift to socialist policy = more leaning on the UN for guidance and direction.. it's just sickening.

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