Monday, October 03, 2005

losing the race..

if ever you needed an example of how not to finish a race, look no farther than our president. george has decided to take hold of the steering wheel and pull it firmly to the left. compassionate conservatism has run amuck. . i've been thinking this for some time, but out of respect for some of the things the president has done up to this point, i've held my tongue.. but this is borderline unforgivable.

in no way am i besmirching harriet's character or her accomplisments in her career, however, in a time when we need proven conservative, constructionist representation on the supreme court, this pick comes out of left field. Alito, Luttig, Brown, etc.. all would have been proven jurists that would have inspired the conservative base to rally around the president and have hope for the future.

this, combined with a disasterous policy on immigration, out of control spending and a bad policy toward israel - forcing them to give up land.. this is not what i voted for. this is not what conservatives in america showed up in record numbers for.. an unprecidented mandate was provided to this president in the 2004 elections - since that time, the administration and congress has seemed to be more concerned with playing nice with the minority party rather than setting an agenda for america and moving forward.

this type of pansy attitude will result in the base staying home next election - or splitting the republican party resulting in gains for the democrats. the usa wants strong, conservative leadership - this is proven by the majority in both houses and the presidency being held by the 'conservative' party..

as we move forward, we're watching the democrats become socialist/marxist.. we're watching the republicans become democrats and conservatives are beginning to have no party at all.

all of this being said, harriet may end up being an uber-originalist and to the right of Scalia.. i just don't feel as if this is the right time to send mixed signals to a rapidly eroding base of support.. bush has made solid choices up to this point on his judicial nominations, but this one is a head scratcher - her crowning achivements leave a lot to be desired - dallas city council (worthless), texas lottery commission (worthless), and meals on wheels.. ok, well, maybe i'm minimizing her accomplishments.. she has legit work done with the aba and texas bar, but i think the conservative base wants a proven constructionalist with a pro-life record that we can be proud of and certain of.

but, she is the nominee - he's been good on judges before, we've got to hope he'll be good on judges again..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so will the republicans show some backbone and stand up to this president or will they do what they have done for the past 5 years and sheepishly go along??