Tuesday, October 25, 2005


2000 Soldiers Killed..
well we've reached 2000 soldiers killed mark set by all of the blame america first crowd. i'm certain we'll see the likes of cindy sheehan locking herself to the fence at the whitehouse and continuing to dance on her son's grave. there will be parties held by the left wing nut jobs celebrating another dead soldier because, once again, what's good for america is not good for them.. i'm sure we'll hear the likes of kennedy and durbin spouting off their holier than thou nonsense.. and all of this celebrating and revelry will be at the expense of the families and friends of the heros who serve in the united states military.

it should make anyone who has any pride in this country and for the values we stand for sick to their stomach that we have people who would guide this country delighting in the death of our soldiers.. triumphant in bad news for america. yet, they are out there.. not in the numbers you'd think, but they're out there.. supported via a biased media and internationalist money. if we are to weigh the stories of 2000 dead vs. successful passage of the iraqi constitution, is there any question which one will get more airplay ??

we've been in iraq since march of 2003 - 2000 dead. to compare - the battle of iwo jima in WWII, there were 6,821 american deaths... in less than a month and a half. 23,573 total casualties from a total of 70,000 marines..

the miserable 'intellectualism' which has taken over our media and the democratic party (and some republicans) has taken our will away. the people of this country are exposed to the negative aspects of our war on terror over and over and over.. is there any wonder the mainstream media has plummeting ratings ??

if our state of mind would have been the same during WW2, that 'greatest generation' would have never been given the chance to be great.

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