Thursday, August 04, 2005

beware crusader alliance..

our buddy aymen al-zawahiri is back in black (turban) and threatening the crusader alliance with more death and destruction. as i look at this picture, it kinda reminds me of raffy's testimony infront of congress concerning his use of steroids - note his finger pointing.. but i digress. so al-zawahiri tells everyone that "you will not be safe until you withdraw from our land, stop stealing our oil and wealth and stop supporting the corrupt rulers." there is also the customary complaint about israel and bringing security to palestine. i'm pretty sure that means the destruction of israel in his mind... so al-zawahiri opines about more blood in london and more american casualties in iraq.. the only interesting thing about these words from him is the timing.. typically these types of messages are the forerunner of another terrorist attack of some significance. this becomes the beacon, the bat signal, so to speak, for folks to go blow things up. he threatened britain specifically.. so i guess we can sit back and see if something more sinister unfolds. although, it appears as if the greater part of europe is fed up with the radical imam population.. i see where italy, france and britain are expelling radical imams from their shores.. damn the aclu for not having a european branch.. i'm sure some civil liberties are being trampled on with this expulsion stuff.

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