Wednesday, September 28, 2005

immigration in america..

our immigration policy in this country has officially been validated.. (i know we've all been waiting for this) according to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center, illegal immigration now out paces legal immigration in this great land of ours.. as a matter of fact, according to this study, illegal immigration has topped legal immigration for 4 of the last 10 years.. i think we can safely agree that when the number of people breaking the law to get in to your country is greater than the people wanting to get in through legal means, your immigration policy is a total failure.

some estimates have 20,000,000 illegal immigrants in this country right now.. we have no idea who these people are or where they've come from.. yet we pay tax dollars to support their healthcare and schooling needs.

we talk a lot about port in our national budget - the amount spent on supporting this nation of illegal aliens dwarfs the pork in the highway bill, etc.. now the question is, why would anyone immigrate to the usa via legal means ?? it's a beurocratic nightmare.. obviously this is very broken.

g-dub has stuck his head in the sand on this.. hoping to make a play for the hispanic vote.. but successful, legal hispanics in this country are against this invasion as well. this creates a more difficult for these hard working people to get ahead in.. they end up lumped in with the illegal behavior and it hurts them as a whole.

no one seems to have the huevos (hey, i can speak spanish!) to stand up for this.. and as bad as the president is on this issue - the democrats are worse !!

the infrastructure expenses for maintaining this illegal nation of people in the united states will buckle state and local governments before long.. and i have yet to mention the stream of muslim folks across the border.. i wonder if they're here for day labor jobs.

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